Hettiarachchi M.H.S.M. Wijayasinghe
K.D.B.V., Wasala W.M.C.B. and Ratnayake R.M.R.N.K. (2024). Study the physical
properties of normal and hard seeds of Mung bean (Vigna radiata) and impact of
different storage conditions on its hardness. In the proceedings of
International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment (ISAE) 2024, University
of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. p 136.
Wijayasinghe K.D.B.V., Hettiarachchi
M.H.S.M., DIssanayake B.D.M.P.B., Wasala W.M.C.B. and Ratnayake R.M.R.N.K.
(2024). Analyzing the effects of varying opening frequencies of hermetic
storage structures on the oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations
in maize. In the proceedings of International Symposium on Agriculture and
Environment (ISAE) 2024, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. p 127.
Hettiarachchi M.H.S.M., Kumara B.A.M.S.,
Weerasingghe W.M.S.S.K. and Wasala W.M.C.B. (2023). In the proceedings of 4th
International Postharvest Research Symposium (2023), National Institute of
Postharvest Management, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. p 104-109.
Hettiarachchi M.H.S.M., Hettiarachchi
H.A.I.D. and Wijewardana R.M.N.A. (2023). Effect of wax coating and different
filling materials for cassava storage. In the proceedings of 4th
International Postharvest Research Symposium (2023), National Institute of
Postharvest Management, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. p 93-97.
Wijewardana R.M.N.A., Aluwihare
W.B.W.M.R.C.P., Hettiarachchi M.H.S.M., Hettiarachchi H.A.I.D., Kumarage
K.P.L., Fernando T.N. and Peris K. (2023). Postharvest life extension and
quality evaluation of bitter gourd and capsicum under low temperature storage
during supply chain. In the proceedings of 2nd International
Conference on Management and Entrepreneurship (INCONE) 2023, The Open
University of Sri Lanka. p 57-68.
Wijayasinghe K.D.B.V., Hettiarachchi
M.H.S.M., DIssanayake B.D.M.P.B., Wasala W.M.C.B. and Ratnayake R.M.R.N.K.
(2023). Study the effectiveness of plant botanicals on maize weevil (Sitophilus
zeamais) control. In the proceedings of 4th National Symposium
on Agro-Technology and Rural Sciences (NSATRS)– 2023, University of Colombo,
Sri Lanka. p 11.
Wijewardana R.M.N.A, Ihalagama G.I.P,
Hettiarachchi M.H.S.M. and Arampath P.C. (2023). Development of a Tomato (Solanum
lycopersicum) Based Spice Cube Incorporated with Moringa (Moringa oleifera)
Leaves. In the proceedings of 9th International Conference of
Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka (ICSUSL) 2023, Sabaragamuwa University of
Sri Lanka. p 41.
- Weerasinghe, W.M.S.S.K., Menike, G.D.N., Wasala, W.M.C.B. and Ratnayake, R.M.R.N.K. (2022). Efficacy of ozone treatment in controlling microbial growth on selected upcountry vegetables. In: Proceedings of the Second National Symposium of Sri Lanka Association for Mycology and Plant Pathology. Second National Symposium of Sri Lanka Association for Mycology and Plant Pathology. p.14. ISBN 978-624-5159-01-7.
- Samarasinghe, Y.M.P., Kumara, B.A.M.S. and Kulatunga, A.K., Traceability of Fruits and Vegetables Supply Chain towards Efficient Management: A Case Study from Sri Lanka.
- Weerasinghe, T. M. A. N., Rathnayake, H. M. A. P., Wasala, W. M. C. B., Bandara., D. M. S. P. (2022) Applicability of Mechanical Drying as a Thermal Pre-treatment for Minimizing Broken Rice Percentage in Rice Milling Industry, 8th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture-2022
- Kumara, B.A.M.S. and Menike, G.D.N. (2022). Effectiveness of Cinnamon Bark Oil under In-vitro Conditions to Control Phomopsis sp. Isolated from Guava (Psidium guajava). In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture., p.74. Available at: URL: https://www.juice.jfn.ac.lk/icda/ ISSN: 2465-6143.
- Chandrasiri C., Dharmapriya S., Jayawardena J., Kulathunga A.K., Weerasinghe T.M.A.N., Aluwihare W. B. W. M. R. C. P. and Hettiarachchci D., (2022) Mitigating Environmental Impact of Perishable Food Supply Chain by a Novel Configuration: Simulating Banana Supply Chain in Sri Lanka, Sustainability 2022, 14(19), 120
Aluwihare, W.B.W.M.R.C.P., Wijewardena R.M.N.A. (2021) Development of ready to use formulation for enhance the shelf life and quality of cut flowers, paper presented in National Symposium on Floriculture Research (NaSFLOR) on 16th December 2021 via zoom ( https://learn.zoom.us/j/67004066973?pwd=S3hvcElRdUZWakVNdnd4MmpWTWtOZz09) | |
Weerasinghe, T. M. A. N., Marasinghe, C. K., Rathnayake, H. M. A. P., Wasala, W. M. C.B., Aluwihare, W. B. W. M. R. C P., Gunawardhane, C. R., (2022) Thermal Treatments as Accelerated Aging Technique for Mitigating Rice Stickiness of Freshly Harvested Paddy, 8th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture-2022. | |
Chandrasiri, C., Dharmapriya, S., Jayawardhana, J., Kulatunga, A. K., Weerasinghe, T. M.A.N., Aluwihare, W.B.W.M.R.C.P., Hettiarachchi, D. (2022), Mitigating Environmental Impact of Perishable Food Supply Chain by a Novel Configuration: Simulating Banana Supply Chain in Sri Lanka, Journal of Sustainability 14 (19) | |
Jayarathna G.E.D.A., Navarathne S.B.,Wickramasinghe I.,(2021). Improvement of lycopene content in locally availbale tomatoes by adapting post Harvest storage practices. International conference on Health sciences, 2021, Faculty of Medical sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura | |
Samarasinghe, Y.M.P., Kumara, B.A.M.S. and Kulatunga, A.K., 2021. Traceability of Fruits and Vegetables Supply Chain towards Efficient Management: A Case Study from Sri Lanka. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 3 (2): 89-106. doi: 10.46254/j.ieom.20210203 | |
Muthubandage Mahinda Herath, Chaminda Ayesha Kumari Dissanayake, Wasala Mudiyanselage, Chandana Bandara Wasala, Narayanasamy Somakanthan and Chaminda Rohana Gunawardane, 2021, The effect of improved postharvest practices on the postharvest losses and quality of mango fruit in Sri Lanka's supply chain, Journal of Horticulture and Postharvest Research, vol. 4(4). | |
Kumari K.A.T.S., Dissanayake C.A.K., Herath M.M., Somakanthan N., Wasantha P.G.L., Senawirathne S.H.R.L.(2021), Cost factor analysis along the vegetable supply chain: Sri Lanka, International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research, 07 ( 03). DOI: https://doi.org/10.51193/IJAER.2021.7303 | |
Kumara, B.A.M.S., Wijewardane, R.M.N.A. and Samarasinghe, Y.M.P., 2021. The Effect of Anti-Browning Treatments for Fresh-Cut Guava Slices in Prevention of Browning during Dehydration. Journal of Agricultural Sciences – Sri Lanka, 16(1), pp.28–36. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/jas.v16i1.9181 https://jas.sljol.info/articles/abstract/10.4038/jas.v16i1.9181/ | |
W.M.C.B.Wasala, C.K.Benaragama, D.G.K.Kumara, K.H.Sarananda and C.A.K.Dissanayake, Application of 1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) for delaying the ripening of banana, Asian Research Journal of Agriculture, Vol. 14(1). DOI: 10.9734/ARJA/2021/v14i130118 |
A.G.F.Hamda, W.M.C.B.Wasala, D.C.K.Illeperuma, C.A.K Dissnayake, Delaying the ripening of banana (Musa sp.) cv Kandula through the application of 1-Methylcyclopropane (1-MCP), Journal of Food Engineering and Technology, 09 (1). | |
W.M.C.B.Wasala, C.K.Benaragama, C.A.K.Dissanayake, C.R. Gunawardhane, R.M.N.A. Wijewardhane and K.H.Sarananada, Effect of different concentrations and exposure time of 1-MCP (Methylcyclopropene) for delaying the ripening of ‘Ambul’ banana at ambient conditions, Acta Horticulturae: 1278. | |
R.M.N.A.Wijewardhane, T.M.R..Dissanayake, W.M.C.B.Wasala, Evaluation of the sustainability of prototype wooden bulk packages for transportation of leeks (Allium Porum) in Nuwaraeliya to Dambulla vegetable supply chain in Sri Lanka, Acta Horticulturea: 1278. | |
C.A.K.Dissanayake, W.M.C.B.Wasala, C.R. Gunawardhane, R.M.N.A.Wijewardhane and M.M.Herath, Introduction of plastic crates to vegetable wholesalers in major economic centres in Sri Lanka: why do people refuse it? , Acta Horticulturea, 1278. | |
W.M.C.B.Wasala, C.K.Benaragama, K.H.sarananda and D.G.K.Kumara, Effect of 1-MCP on physico-biochemical properties and delayed ripening of ‘Ambl’ banana at ambient conditions, Tropical Agricultural Research, Vol. 29(3). | |
R.G.U.S. Bandara, W. M. C. B. Wasala, P.H.P. Prasanna, D.V.P. Chandramali, W.M.S.S.K. Weerasinge, Extending the shelf life of TJC mango through application of 1-Methylcyclopropene, Sri Lankan Journal of Agriculture and Ecosystems, Vol.02 (1). | |
Kumara, B.A.M.S., Wijewardane, R.M.N.A. and Samarasinghe, Y.M.P. (2019). The Effect of Anti-Browning Treatments for Fresh-Cut Guava Slices in Prevention of Browning during Dehydration. The Journal of Agricultural Sciences.Vol 16, No. 1, January, 2021. Pp 28-36 http://doi.org/10.4038/jas.v16i1.9181 | |
Weerasinghe, T. M. A. N., Gunawardhane, C. R., Jaythunge, K. G. L. R., Thilakarathne, H. R. M. G. C. (2020) Analytical Determination of Terephthalic acid and Isophthalic acid Migration into Deep Fried crispy snacks through adulterated edible oils – Method Development and Validation, 6th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture-2020, pp 58 | |
Bulathsinhalage, V.N.D., De Costa, D.M. and Menike, G.D.N. (2020). Determination of Desirable Attributes of an Indigenous Burkholderia Isolate Towards Biological Control of Plant Pathogenic Fungi and Its Microbial Enzyme Production. Journal of Agricultural Sciences–Sri Lanka, 15(1). | |
Prasannath, K., Dharmadasa, N., Menike, N. and De Costa, D.M. (2020). Evaluation of the effects of an eco-friendly crop protection system on management of whitefly-vectored chilli leaf curl virus disease in Sri Lanka. Phytoparasitica, 48(1), pp.117-129. | |
G.D.N. Menike and R.M.R.N.K. Ratnayake, (2020). Exploitation of Phyllospheric and Rhizospheric Microorganisms as Biological Control Agents against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Causing Anthracnose Disease of Mango. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture, 3rd and 4th December 2020, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna, Kilinochchi, Sri Lanka. | |
D.D. Karunarathna, T.D.C. Priyadarshani, G.D.N. Menike and P.A. Weerasinghe . (2020) Screening of Potential Antagonistic Microorganisms Against Rice Blast. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Research Symposium, 30th July 2020, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka (p.111) | |
Kumara, B.A.M.S. and Hettige K. D.T. 2020. "Ripening Stage Affects the Quality of Fresh and Dehydrated Pineapples (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.) cv. Mauritius in Sri Lanka", Sustainable Food Production, Vol. 8, pp. 29-37 DOI: https://doi.org/10.18052/www.scipress.com/SFP.8.29 | |
Kumara, B.A.M.S. and Beneragama, C.K., 2020. Modified Atmospheric Packaging Extends the Postharvest Shelf Life of Mukunuwenna (Alternanthera sessilis L.). Tropical Agricultural Research, 31(2), pp.87-96. DOI:10.4038/tar.v31i2.8370 | |
Champa, W.A.H., Gunasekera, N., Wilson, W.S., Hewajulige, I.G.N., Weerasinghe, W.M.S.S.K. and Kumara, B.A.M.S., 2020. Postharvest Treatment of Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) Bark Oil and Hexanal Incorporated Bio-Wax Maintains Quality and Extends Marketable Life of Lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle). International Journal of Fruit Science, 20(1), pp.76-88. DOI: 10.1080/15538362.2019.1597823 | |
Kumara, B.A.M.S., Ekanayake, L.S.K., Weerasinghe, W.M.S.S.K., Wijewardane, R.M.N.A. and Sarananda, K.H. (2020). Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Modified Atmospheric Packaging on Postharvest Life of Curry Leaves (Murraya koenigiiL.). Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture, 3rd and 4th December 2020, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna, Kilinochchi, Sri Lanka. | |
Samarasinghe, Y.M.P., Kumara, B.A.M.S., Wijewardane, R.M.N.A., 2020. Shade Curing Reduce the Postharvest Loss of Big Onion (Allium cepa) Selection 'Dambulla Red' at Ambient Storage Conditions. Proceedings of the 6th International conference on Dry Zone Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna, Sri lanka., 3-4 December, 2020. | |
Hettige K.D.T., Jayarathna G.E.D.A.M. and Jayawardana P.A.M., (2020). Controlling Discoloration and Quality Evaluation of Dehydrated Annona muricata (soursop) Powder, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture | |
Jayasinghe J.A.L.H., Kumari D.W.M.M.M., Hettige K.D.T. and Yapa P.N., (2020). Development and quality evaluation of fermented rice bran and probiotic incorporated ice cream, Proceedings of Research Symposium, faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka | |
Jayawardana P.A.M., Wijelath W.A.G.E., Somasiri S.C. and Hettige K.D.T., (2020). Development and quality assessment of dehydrated soursop (Annona muricata) powder, Proceedings of Research Symposium, faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka | |
Palugaswewa, K.I.T.M., Dissanayake, B.D.M.P.B. and Prabhaharan M. Design, Fabrication and Performance Evaluation of Millets (Eleusine coracana) Cleaning Machine for Domestic Level, ICDA 2020, 6th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna. P-59. | |
Samarasinghe, Y.M.P., Kumara, B.A.M.S., Wijewardane, R.M.N.A., 2020. Effect of Shade Curing on Post-harvest Loss of Big Onion (Allium cepa) Selection 'Dambulla Red' Stored under Ambient Conditions. Journal of Dry Zone Agriculture, 6(1):126-132. | |
Weerasinghe, W.M.S.S.K., Kumara, B.A.M.S., Wijewardane, R.M.N.A. and Wasala, W.M.C.B., (2020). Effect of natural edible coatings on quality characteristics and storage behavior of mango(Mangiferaindica L.) during cold storage conditions.Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture, 3rd and 4th December 2020, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna, Kilinochchi, Sri Lanka. | |
Champa, W.A.H., Gunasekera, N., Wilson, W.S., Hewajulige, I.G.N., Weerasinghe, W.M.S.S.K. and Kumara, B.A.M.S., 2020. Postharvest Treatment of Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) Bark Oil and Hexanal Incorporated Bio-Wax Maintains Quality and Extends Marketable Life of Lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle). International Journal of Fruit Science, 20(1), pp.76-88. | |
Kumara, B.A.M.S., Ekanayake, L.S.K., Weerasinghe, W.M.S.S.K., Wijewardane, R.M.N.A. and Sarananda, K.H. (2020). Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Modified Atmospheric Packaging on Postharvest Life of Curry Leaves (Murraya koenigiiL.). Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture, 3rd and 4th December 2020, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna, Kilinochchi, Sri Lanka. | |
Weerasinghe, W.M.S.S.K., Kumara, B.A.M.S., Wijewardane, R.M.N.A. and Wasala, W.M.C.B., (2020). Influence of Wax Coating on Extending the Shelf Life of Mango (Mangifera indica L.) cv. Karuthakolomban.. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture., p.86. ISSN 2012 – 8673 |
Gunawardane, C.R., Jayarathne, G.E.D.A.M., Aluwihare, W.B.W.M.R.C.P., Werasinghe, S.S.K. and Hettige, K.D.T. (2019) Determination of heavy metal contamination of economical important food commodities, 5th International conference on dry zone agriculture proceedings, 83 pp. | |
Hettige K.D.T., Jayarathna G.E.D.A.M., Wijewardane R.M.N.A., (2019). Study of Probiotic Activity of Selected Sri Lankan Traditional Rice Varieties when Inoculated by Lactobacillus plantarum., Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture-2019, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka on 19 -20 December 2019. | |
Kumara, B.A.M.S., Wijewardane, R.M.N.A. and Samarasinghe, Y.M.P. (2019). Identification of Potential Treatments to Overcome the Browning of Dehydrated Guava. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture, 19th and 20th December 2019, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna, Kilinochchi, Sri Lanka. | |
Kumari, KGNH, Kumari, DWMMM, Wijelath, WAGE , Wijewardana, RMNA.(2019).Development of a protocol for Artificial Ripening of Ambul Banana (Musa spp.) in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of International Symposium 2019. University of Rajarata , Sri Lanka. | |
Perera, MTD, Wijewardana,RMNA, Jayawardane, NWIA.(2019). Development of a protocol for Artificial Ripening of Papaya in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of International Symposium 2019. University of Rajarata , Sri Lanka. | |
Jayasekara, MGDC, Wijewardana, RMNA, Weerasinghe, TMAN.(2019). Development of a protocoal for freeze preservation of green chilli (Capsicum annum). Proceedings of International Symposium 2019. University of Rajarata , Sri Lanka. | |
Jayarathna G.E.D.A., Hettige K.D.T, Rathnayake R.M.R.N.K., Gunawardane C.R., (2019). Analysis of antimicrobial effect of cinnamon and nutmeg oil extractions on preserving tomato sauce, 5th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture-2019 | |
Gunawardane C.R., Jayarathna G.E.D.A.M., Aluwihare W.B.W.M.R.C.P., Weerasinghe S.S.K., Hettige K.D.T., (2019). Determination of heavy metal contamination of economically important food commodities, 5th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture-2019. | |
Hettige K.D.T., Jayarathna G.E.D.A.M., Wijewardane R.MMM.N.A., (2019). Study of Probiotic Activity of Selected Sri Lankan Traditional Rice Varieties when Inoculated by Lactobacillus plantarum, , 5th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture-2019 | |
Warnakulasooriya, R.W.M.A.U.K. Wijewardana, R.N.N.A., Wijesinghe, W.A.J.P. Jayarathna, G.E.D.A.M. (2019). Development of Nelli (Phyllantus emblica) powder incorporated instant rasam mixture and evaluation of its sensory, physicochemical and microbial properties. Proceedings of the International Research Conference, Uva Wellassa University, Badulla, Sri Lanka, pp 247. | |
Aluwihare, W.B.W.M.R.C.P. and Ratnayake, R.H.M.K. (2019) Identification and development of strategies for enhanced quality and postharvest life of cut lotus flowers, National Symposium on Floriculture Research (NaSFLOR). | |
Aluwihare, W.B.W.M.R.C.P. and Ratnayake, R.H.M.K. (2019) Strategies for extending the longevity of cut lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) flowers, 5th International conference on dry zone agriculture proceedings, 42 pp. | |
Fernando., M. R. S. M., Wjewardhana., R. M. N. A., Weerasinghe., T. M. A. N., Chandramali., D. V. P., Prasanna., P. H. P. (2019) Development of a protocol for freeze preservation of Green chilli (capicum annum L.), Proceedings of the Rajarata International Research Conference, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka | |
Bandara, G. L. T. A., De Costa, D. M., Menike, G. D. N. and Priyadarshani, T. D. C. (2019). Effect of Eco-Friendly Nursery Management Measures of Camellia sinensis on Soil Microbial Density and Diversity. 11th Annual Research Symposium Proceedings, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka | |
Samarasinghe, Y.M.P., Rathnaweera D.T.H.P., Wasala, W.M.C.B. and Kumara, B.A.M.S. (2019). Efficacy of Citronella (Cymbopogan nardus). Leaf Extract on Maize Weevil (Sitophilus zeamaize) Infection for Stored Maize in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture, 19th and 20th December 2019, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna, Kilinochchi, Sri Lanka. | |
Kumara, B.A.M.S and Beneragama, C.K. (2019). Modified Atmospheric Packaging Extends the Postharvest Shelf Life of Mukunuwenna (Alternanthera Sessilis). Proceedings of the 31st Annual Congress of the Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, 22nd November 2019, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. | |
Jayasekara, M.G.D.C., Kumari, D.W.M.M.M., Wijewardena, R.M.N.A. and Hettige, K.D.T., (2019), Quality assessment of rice beverage made from traditional rice varieties fermented by Lactobacillus plantarum. Proceedings of Research Symposium, faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka | |
D.M.C.Champathi Gunathilake, W.M.C.B.Wasala and A.K.Thiwari, Evaluation of efficacy of washing treatment for extending the postharvest shelf life of banana (Musa acuminata), Plant Science Central Conference held on 2nd – 4th , July, 2019 at Massey University, Palmerstone North, New Zealand. |
BAMS Kumara, RMNA Wijewardane, WMSSK Weerasinghe and KDT Hettige. Identification of optimum ripening stage of papaya (Carica papaya) cv. Red Lady for dehydration. Proceedings of International Research Symposium on Postharvest Technology. Held at 19th October 2018 at National Institute of Postharvest Management. Anuradhapur | |
R.G.U.S. Bandara, W. M. C. B. Wasala, P.H.P. Prasanna, D.V.P. Chandramali, W.M.S.S.K. Weerasinge, Extending the shelf life of TJC mango through application of 1-Methylcyclopropene, Sri Lankan Journal of Agriculture and Ecosystems, Vol.02 (1). | |
RMNA Wijewardane, SN Wickramasooriya and DWMMM Kumari. Optimizing cold storage temperature for hybrid palee f1 bitter gourd Momordica charantia L.). Proceedings of International Research Symposium on Postharvest Technology. Held at 19th October 2018 at National Institute of Posthrvest Management. Anuradhapura | |
BAMS Kumara, RMNA Wijewardane, WMSSK Weerasinghe and KDT Hettige. Identification of optimum ripening stage of papaya (Carica papaya) cv. Red Lady for dehydration. Proceedings of International Research Symposium on Postharvest Technology. Held at 19th October 2018 at National Institute of Postharvest Management. Anuradhapura | |
HMAP Rathnayake, RMNA Wijewardana, TMR Dissanayake and CK Marasinghe. Institute of Post-harvest Technology, Jayanthi Mawatha, Anuradhapura. Process optimization for dehydration of pumpkin using Tray Drier. Proceedings of International Research Symposium on Postharvest Technology. Held at 19th October 2018 at National Institute of Postharvest Management. Anuradhapura | |
P.I.Sasanka, R.M.N.A.Wijewardane, W.A.J.P.Weerasinghe, P.W.Jeewanthi. Quality attributes of biscuits made from wheat flour fortified with banana flour. Proceedings of International Research Symposium on Postharvest Technology. Held at 19th October 2018 at National Institute of Posthrvest Management. Anuradhapura | |
G.D.N. Menike and D.M. De Costa. (2018). Determination of Genetic Variation of Bemisia tabaci Species Complex Using PCR-RFLP Analysis of Mitochondrial Cytochrome c Oxidase Subunit- I (COI) Gene”, SLCARP International Agricultural Research Symposium | |
Kumara B.A.M.S., Wijewardane R.M.N.A., Weerasinghe W.M.S.S.K. and Hettige K.D.T., (2018). Identification of optimum ripening stage of papaya (Carica papaya) cv. Red Lady for dehydration. Proceedings of the 3rd International Research Symposium on Postharvest Technology, 19th October 2018, Research and Development Center, NIPHM, Anuradhapura | |
Dissanayake, B.D.M.P. and Senanayaka, D.P. Development and Optimization of Medium Scale Rice Flour Noodles Process, 3rd International Research Conference, (TRInCo – 2018), Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. | |
Dissanayake, B.D.M.P. and Senanayaka, D.P. Development of medium scale rice flour Sifter, Proceedings of the international Research Symposium on Postharvest Technology (2018), Institute of Post Harvest Technology, Sri Lanka. | |
Dissanayake, B.D.M.P. and Senanayaka D.P. Development and Optimization of Medium Scale Rice Flour Noodles Process, 3rd International Research Conference, (TRInCo – 2018), Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. | |
K.A.S.Prabodha, W.M.C.B.Wasala, H.M.I.G.A.M.K.Senerath and P.H.P.Prasanna, Determination of effective concentration of diatomaceous earth (SiO2) for paddy, maize and soy bean using Rice Weevil, Maize Weevil and Pulse Weevil, Proc. of 10th Annual Research Symposium, 2018, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka. |
J.M.A.M. Sewwandi, R.M.N.A.W ijewardane, Um. Aruna Kumara, N. Thiruchchelvan. (2017). Acceptability evaluation of the newly developed biscuits using an underutilized fruit Yellow Sapota (Pouterina campechina). Proceedings of Research Symposium, University of Vocational Technology. Held at 30th November 2017 at University of Vocational Technology, Rathmalana. | |
Menike, G.D.N. and De Costa, D.M. (2017). Variation of field symptoms and molecular diversity of the virus isolates associated with chilli leaf curl complex in different agroecological regions of Sri Lanka. | |
Champa W.A.H., Gunasekara N., Wilson Wijerathnam S., Hewajulige I.G.N., Weerasinghe W.M.S.S.K. and Kumara B.A.M.S., (2017). Bio-wax Coating Improves Quality and Extends Storage Life of Lime Fruits (Citrus aurantifoliya L.). Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Research Session of the Institute of Food Science & Technology Sri Lanka (IFSTSL), 05th August 2017, Mihilaka Medura, BMICH, Colombo | |
Bandara D.M.S.P, Amaratunga K.S.P Dissanayake T.M.R, Gunawardana C.R (2017) “Model Development of Evaporative Water Cooling (EWC) grinding system for improving grinding quality of spices”, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Vol. 7, Issue 7, PP 306-319, ISSN 2250-3153. | |
W.M.C.B. Wasala, C.A.K. Dissanayake, C.R. Gunawardane, R.M.N.A. Wijewardana, D.M.C.C. Gunathilake, B.M.K.S.Thilakarathne, Efficacy of insecticide incorporated bags against major insect pests of stored paddy in Sri Lanka, Proceedia Food Science, ELSEVIER Journal: 6 (2016) | |
D.M.C.C.Gunathilake, W.M.C.B.Wasala, Palipane, K.B. Design and development of size grading machine for big union, , Proceedia Food Science, ELSEVIER Journal: 6 (2016). | |
R.M.N.A. Wijewardana, S.B.Nawarathne, I.Wickramasinghe, C.R.Gunawardane, W.M.C.B.Wasala, B.M.K.S. Thilakarathne, Retention of physicochemical and antioxidant properties of dehydrated bael (Aegle marmelos) and palmyra (Borassus flabellifer) fruit powders, Procerdia Food Science, ELSEVIER Journal: 6 (2016). | |
W.M.C.B.Wasala, C.A.K.Dissanayake, R.M.N.A.Wijewardhane, C.R.Gunawardhne, H.M.A.P.Rathnayake and T.M.R.Dissanayake, Feasibility of long term bulk paddy storage method for local conditions, Proceedings of 9th International Research Conference, General Sir John Kothalawala Defence University, Sri Lanka. ISBN 978-955-0301-28-7. | |
R.M.N.A. Wijewardhane, M.R.F.Rizna, N.W.I.A Jayawardhane, W.M.C.B. Wasala and B.M.K.S. Thilakarathne, Preservation and quality evaluation of ready to cook vegetarian soup incorporated with dehydrated soy bean (Glycine max)powder under blast freezing, Proceedings of 9th International Research Conference, General Sir John Kothalawala Defence University, Sri Lanka. ISBN 978-955-0301-28-7. | |
D.M.S.P.Bandara, K.S.P.Amarathunge, L.Rajapakse, T.M.R.Dissanayake. W.M.C.B.Wasala, Alternative methods of spice grinding- a review, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment held on 16th-17th, Dec. 2016 in Kandy, SriLlanka | |
C.R.Gunawardhane, W.M.C.B.Wasala, C.A.K.Dissanayake, M.M.Herath, R.M.N.A.Wijewardhane, D.P.C.Swarnasiri, B.M.K.S. Thilakarathne, R.M.M.K.Wijerathne, P.G.L.Wasantha, N.Somakanthan. Value addition to ginger (zingiber officinale): market potentials and development of ginger based product, International Conference of Japanese Graduates’ Alumni of Sri Lanka held on 20th Feb. 2016, in Colombo , Sri Lanka | |
W.M.C.B. Wasala, C.A.K. Dissanayake, C.R. Gunawardhane, R.M.N.A. Wijewardhane, D.M.C.C. Gunathilake and B.M.K.S. Thilakarathne. Evaluation of the Efficacy of Deltamethrin Incorporated Polysac Bags for the Control of Stored Grain Pests of Maize during Storage, Proc. of International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, held on 13th Jan. 2016. | |
H.M.A.P. Rathnayake, W.M.C.B. Wasala, T.M.R. Dissanayake, DMSP Bandara and DP Senanayake Modification and evaluation of parboiling wastewater discharge system for minimizing the effluent volume to be treated in rice processing, Proc. of International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, held on 13th Jan. 2016. | |
C.A.K. Dissanayake, S. De Silva, W.M.C.B. Wasala and B.M.K.S. Thilakarathne, Factors Affecting the Expansion of Micro-enterprises: A SWOT Analysis on Cottage Level Rice Processing, Proc. of International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, held on 13th Jan. 2016. | |
R.M.N.A. Wijewardane, M.S.M.F. Asfana, S. Ranadeera, D.M.R.T. Dissanayake, W.M.C.B. Wasala and B.M.K.S. Thilakarathne,(2016). Utilization of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) flour as an alternative for wheat flour in bun preparation, Proc. of International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, held on 13th Jan. 2016. | |
Wijewardana, R.M.N.A., Nawarathne, S.B., Wickramasinghe, I., (2016)
Effect of various dehydration methods on proximate composition and retention of
antioxidants in different fruit powders. International food research Journal.
23(5):2016-2020. | |
Wijewardana, R.M.N.A., Nawarathne, S.B., Wickramasinghe, I., Gunawardane, C.R., Wasala,W.M.C.B., and Thilakarathne, B.M.K.S. (2016)Retention of physicochemical and antioxidant properties of dehydrated bael (Aegle marmelos) and Palmyra (Borassus flabellifer) fruit powders, Prcedia Food Science.Vol.6:170-175 | |
Wasala,W.M.C.B., Dissanayake, C.A.K., Gunawardane, C.R., Wijewardana, R.M.N.A. Gunathilake, D.M.C.C, and Thilakarathne, B.M.K.S.,(2016). Efficacy of insecticide incorporated bags against major insect pests of stored paddy in Sri Lanka. Prceedia Food Science.Vol.6:164-169. | |
Wijewardana, R.M.N.A., Nawarathne, S.B. and Wcikramasinghe, I., Development and quality evaluation of Ready to Bake Vegetarian Cake Mix. Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Faculty of Agriculture. Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka. 11(1):53-61. | |
RMNA Wijewardana, MSMF Asfana, S. Ranadeera, and BMKS Thilakarathne. (2016). Preparation and quality evaluation of sweet potato (Ipomoea batata) flour based papadam. International Conference of Japanese Alumni Association of Sri Lanka. Held on 19th -20th February 2016. | |
Gunawardane, C.R., Wasala,W.M.C.B., Dissanayake, C.A.K., Herath, M.M.,Wijewardana, R.M.N.A. Swarnasiri,D.P.C., Thilakarathne, B.M.K.S., Wijerathne, R.M.M.K., Wasantha, P.G.L. AND Somakanthan, N.(2016).Value addition to ginger (Zingiber officinale) :Market potentials and development of ginger based products. International Conference of Japanese Alumni Association of Sri Lanka. Held on 19th -20th February 2016. | |
RMNA Wijewardana, MSMF Asfana, S. Ranadeera, W.M.C.B.Wasala and BMKS Thilakarathne. 2016. Utilization of sweet potato (Ipomoea batata) flour as an alternative for wheat flour in bun preparation. Proceedings of International Symposium 2016. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Rajarata , Sri Lanka. | |
UG Chandrajith, RMNA Wijewardana , CR Gunawardane and BMKS Thilakarathne. 2016. Development of a jam using bilin fruit (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) and evaluation of its sensory and physic chemical properties. Proceedings of International Symposium 2016. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna , Sri Lanka. | |
WMCB Wasala, CAK Dissanayake, CR Gunawardhna, RMNA Wijewardana, DMCC Gunathilake, and BMKS Thilakarathne. Evaluation of the efficiency of deltamethrin incorporated poly sack bags for the control of stored grain pests of Maize during storage. Proceedings of International Symposium 2016. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. | |
Wijesinghe, W. A. J. P., Weerasinghe, T. M. A. N., Arachchi, M. P. M., Sarananda, K. H. (2016) Bio processing of Tomato (lycopersicon esculentum) into value added product.Journal of Food Processing & Technology, Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Food Processing and Technology, 7:116 | |
Dissanayake, B.D.M.P.B. and Jayawardana, H.S. Development of a method for Manufacturing noodles from Finger Millet- ELSEVIER, Procedia Food Science 6 (2016), International Journal, pp.293-297. | |
Chandrajith, U.G., Gunathilake D.M.C.C, Bandara B.D.M.P. and Swarnasiri, D.P.C. Effect of combine Harvesting on Head Rice Yield and Chaff content of Long and Short Grain Paddy Harvest in Sri Lanka- ELSEVIER, Procedia Food Science 6 (2016), International Journals, pp. 242-245. | |
Kariyawasam, H.K.P.P, Amrathunga K.S.P, Bandara D.M.S.P, Dissanayake T.M.R, (2016), Sorption Characteristic of Polished Rice in a Fludized Bed, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publication,Vol 6, Issue 12 | |
D.M.S.P. Bandara, C.A.K.Dissanayake, T.M.R.Dissanayake, D.P.Senanayake, B.M.K.S. Thilakarathne, “Performance Evaluation of Screw Type Oil Expeller for extracting Mee (Madhuca Longifolia) oil”, is pending publication on “Journal of Bio-Systems Engineering. | |
Dissanayake, T.M.R., Bandara, D.M.S.P., Rathnayake, H.M.A.P., Thilakarathne, B.M.K.S., Wijerathne, D.B.T. (2016). Development of mobile dryer for Freshly harvested paddy. Journal of Procedia Food Science, Vol. 6, pp 78-81. | |
Rathnayake H.M.A.P, Wasala, W.M.C.B, Dissanayake ,T.M.R., Bandara, D.M.S.P,Senanayake D.P, (2016), Modification and evaluation of parboiling wastewater discharge system for minimizing the effluent volume to be treated in rice processing, Proceeding of International Symposium on Agriculture & Environment, University of Ruhuna,pp221-224 |
W.M.C.B. Wasala, D.A.N. Dharmasena, C.A.K. DIssanayake and B.M.K.S. Thilakarathne, Study on feasibility of styrofoam layer cushioning for banana bulk transportation in local distribution system, Journal of Biosystems Engineering, 40 (04). | |
U.G.Chandrajith, R.M.N.A.Wijewardane, W.M.C.B. Wasala, C.A.K. Dissanayake, H.S. Jayawardane, D.P.C. Swarnasiri, Combined effect of citric acid and ascorbic acid as chemical pre treatment to prevent enzymatic browning in fresh cut ‘Ambul’ banana (Musa spp). Proceedings of 8th International Research Conference, General Sir John Kothalawala Defence University, Sri Lanka. ISBN 978-955-0301-15-7. | |
D.M.C.C.Gunathilake, W.M.C.B.Wasala, B.M.K.S Thilakaratne, Effect of hermetic conditions of hermetically sealed large capacity cocoons for storage of soybean (Glycine max)., Proc. of the young scientist forum symposium held on 23rd January, 2015, National Science and Technology Commission , Sri Lanka. | |
U.G. Chandrajith, W.M.C.B. Wasala, K.G.L.R. Jayathunge and B.M.K.S. Thilakarathne, Effect of different storage media; sand, paddy husk and coir dust on the shelf-life of fresh lime (Citrus aurantifolia), Proc. of second Ruhunu international science and technology conference held on 22-23, January 2015 at University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka. | |
Wijewardane, R.M.N.A.., Nawarathne, S.B. and Wickramasinghe, I. (2015). Evaluation of physicochemical and antioxidant property of dehydrated hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) flower petals and its stability in product preparation. Int. J. Inno. Res. and Technol. 2(2): 179-185. | |
Wijewardane, R.M.N.A.., Nawarathne, S.B. and Wickramasinghe, I. (2015). Comparison of antioxidant properties of dehydrated fruits and vegetables with different drying techniques. Int. J. Res. Boil. Sci. 5(4): 40-44. | |
Chandrajith UG, Jayathunge, KGLR, Wijewardane RMNA, Thilakarathne BMKS.2015. Preparation and quality evaluation of rice based cookies fortified with different herbs. Proceedings of International Symposium 2015. University of Rajarata , Sri Lanka. | |
Wijewardana, R.M.N.A., Nawarathne, S.B. and Wcikramasinghe, I., Gunawardane, C.R., Thilakarathne, B.M.K.S. (2015). Effect of dehydration methods on chemical properties and antioxidants in dehydrated powdered vegetable. 8th International Research Conference. Kotalawala Defence University, Sri Lanka Held on 27th 28th August 2015. | |
U.G.Chandrajith, R.M.N.A.Wijewardane, W.M.C.B. Wasala, C.A.K. Dissanayake, H.S. Jayawardane, D.P.C. Swarnasiri, Combined effect of citric acid and ascorbic acid as chemical pre-treatment to prevent enzymatic browning in fresh cut, Ambul, banana (Musa spp). Proceedings of 8th International Research Conference held at General Sir John Kothalawala Defence University, Sri Lanka. | |
Rupasinghe, R.L., Aluwihare, W.B.W.M.R.C.P., Mawalagedera, S.M.M.R., Weerakkody, W.A.P, Bandaranayake P.R.S.D., and Suriyagoda L.D.B. (2015) Adaptability of cut rose (Rosa hybrida L.) varieties for shade and high temperature conditions in tropical greenhouses, Sri Lanka Journal of Food and Agriculture, 57 – 63 pp. | |
Dissanayake, B.D.M.P.B., Jayawardena, H.S., and Thilakarathne B.M.K.S. Design and development of a low cost grain flour blender, Engineer, Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka, Vol. XLVIII, No. 03, 2015. pp. 27-34. | |
Dissanayake, B.D.M.P.B. and Jayawardana, H.S. Development of a method for Manufacturing noodles from Finger Millet- 5th International Conference, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, ICSUSL 2015, p.46. | |
Chandrajith, U.G., Gunathilake, D.M.C.C., Bandara B.D.M.P. and Swarnasiri, D.P.C. Effect of combine Harvesting on Head Rice Yield and Chaff content of Long and Short Grain Paddy Harvest in Sri Lanka- 5th International Conference, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, ICSUSL 2015, p.31. | |
Bandara, D.M.S.P., Dissanayake, T.M.R. and Rathnayake, R.M.R.N.K. (2015). Performance Evaluation of Different types of Spice Grinding Machinery for producing chili Powder. Journal of Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Latin America and Africa, Vol. 46(3). |
RMNA Wijewardana ,W.M.C.B.Wasala and BMKS Thilakarathne. 2014. Formulation and quality evaluation of instant drink prepared from dehydrated Bael (Aegle marmelos) fruit powder. Proceedings of International Symposium 2014. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. | |
R.M.N.A. Wijewardane, C.R. Gunawardane, K.B.Palipane, K.V.T.Gunawardhane, Samarakoon, S.C., Fernando, M.D.2014. Evaluate the sorption behavior and identification of optimum drying condition of Phylanthus ambelica (Nelli) and Zingiber officinale (Ginger). Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Faculty of Agriculture. Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka. 9(2):88-95. | |
Wijewardana R.M.N.A. Karunathilake K.N., Jayawardana N.W.I.A.Evaluate the effect of lipid based edible coatings for shelf life extension of guava under refrigerated storage. Proceedings of 3rd YSF symposium.7th feb.2014, held at HARTI, Colombo.185-189pp. (Merit certificate is awarded) | |
W.M.C.B. Wasala, D.A.N. Dharmasena, T.M.R. DIssanayake, B.M.K.S. Thilakarathne, Vibration simulation testing of banana bulk transport packaging systems, Tropical Agricultural Research, Vol. 26(2). | |
W.M.C.B.Wasala, C.A.K. Dissanayake, D.A.N. Dharmasena, C.R.Gunawardane, T.M.R. Dissanayake, Postharvest Losses, Current Issues and Demand for Postharvest Technologies for Loss Management in the Main Banana Supply Chains in Sri Lanka, Journal of Postharvest Technology, 02 (01). | |
W.M.C.B.Wasala, C.R.Gunawardhane W.A.H.Champa, R.M.N.A.Wijewardhana, R.M.N.K.Rathnayake, U.G.Chandhrajith, B.M.K.S.Thialakarathne, Assessment of post harvest losses and quality deteriorations of banana fruits during supply chain activities in Sri Lanka, Proc. of the international research symposium on postharvest technology held in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka on 19th, June 2014 | |
C.R.Gunawardhane, W.M.C.B.Wasala, C.A.K.Dissanayake, R.M.N.A.Wijewardhana, U.G.Chandhrajith, B.M.K.S.Thialakarathne, Use of safe packaging for vegetable transportation on main supply chains in Sri Lanka, Proc. of the international research symposium on postharvest technology held in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka on 19th, June 2014 | |
R.M.N.K.Rathnayake, W.M.C.B.Wasala, C.A.K.Dissanayake, C.R.Gunawardhane U.G.Chandhrajith, B.M.K.S.Thialakarathne, Effect of sodium bicarbonate and amonium bicarbonate on antracnose fruit rot of tomato caused by Collettrotichum cocodes, Proc. of the international research symposium on postharvest technology held in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka on 19th, June 2014 | |
R.M.N.A. Wijewardane, G.D. Senevirathne, N.W.I.A. Jayawardana, T.M.R. Dissanayake , W.M.C.B. Wasala, B.M.K.S. Thilakarathne, Reduction of postharvest losses in leeks (Allium porum) during transportation using wooden bulk packages, Proc. of the international research symposium on postharvest technology held in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka on 19th, June 2014. | |
W.M.C.B. Wasala, C.A.K. Dissanayake, C.R. Gunawardhane, R.M.N.A. Wijewardhane, D.M.C.C.Gunathilake, B.M.K.S. Thilakarathne, Sensitivity and boring ability of Rice weevil (Sitophilus oryzae) and Lesser grain borer (Rhizopertha dominica) for insecticide incorporated grain storage bags, Proc. of International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, held on 29th Nov.2014. | |
R.M.N.A.Wijewardane, H.S.Jayawardane, W.M.C.B.Wasala and B.M.K.S.Thilakarathne, Formulation, Quality evaluation of instant drink prepared from dehydrated bael (Aegle marmelos) fruit powder, Proc. of International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, held on 27th Nov.2014. | |
B. M. T. H. Basnayake, D. M. De Costa and G. D. N. Menike. (2014). Identification of Causal Agents Associated with Chilli Plants Showing Virus- like Symptoms”. Proceedings of Faculty of Agriculture Undergraduate Research Symposium, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya.(p.142) | |
H.P.B. Wedawatta, D. M. De Costa and G.D.N. Menike, (2014). Detection of Causal Viruses in Cucumber and Tomato Showing Mosaic Symptoms by PCR”. Proceedings of Faculty of Agriculture Undergraduate Research Symposium, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya. (p.145) | |
W. M. D. H. K. Wijesooriya, D. M. De Costa and G. D. N. Menike. (2014). Optimizing DNA Extraction Methods and PCR Conditions for Insect Vectors to Determine Their Genetic Variability”. Proceedings of Faculty of Agriculture Undergraduate Research Symposium, 2014, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya. (p.154) | |
Ranathunga, R.D.R.R., Kumara, U.M.A., Menike, G.D.N. and De Costa, D.M., (2014). Development of a DNA Probe to Detect Leaf Curl Virus in Chilli Plant Tissues. Proceedings Peradeniya University International Research Sessions (iPURSE 2014) ,Vol. 18, July 4 & 5, 2014, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, (p. 540) | |
Gunarathn, G.A.M.S.S., De Costa, D.M. and Menike, G.D.N., 2014. Optimization of a RNA Extraction Protocol for Tomato Leaf Tissues and PCR Conditions to Detect RNA Type Viruses in Chilli Leaves. Proceedings Peradeniya University International Research Sessions (iPURSE 2014) ,Vol. 18, July 4 & 5, 2014, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, (p. 536) | |
Bandara, B.D.M.P., Gunawardana, C.R., Senanayake, D.P. and Thilakarathne, B.M.K.S. Design and development of a small scale paddy dryer, Proceedings, International Symposium on Agriculture & Environment(ISAE 2014), University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka., pp 347-349. | |
Bandara, B.D.M.P., Gunawardana, C.R., Senanayake, D.P., Thilakarathne B.M.K.S. Development and Evaluation of a Batch type Maize Dryer, Proceedings, International Symposium on Agriculture & Environment (ISAE 2014), University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka., pp 351-353. | |
Dissanayake, B.D.M.P.B., Jayawardena, H.S., Thilakarathne B.M.K.S.,Design and development of a low cost grain flour blending equipment, Proceedings of the international Research Symposium on Postharvest Technology(June 2014), Institute of Post Harvest Technology,pp.141-145. | |
Chandrajith, U.G., Gunathilake, D.M.C.C., Bandara, B.D.M.P. and Swarnasiri, D.P.C. Effect of Harvesting Paddy by Combine Harvester on Seed Germination, Proceedings, International Symposium on Agriculture & Environment(ISAE 2014), University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka., pp 365-367 | |
Rathnayake H.M.A.P, Dissanayake ,T.M.R., Bandara, D.M.S.P, Kulatunga A.K.(2014) “Enhancing sustainability of local rice mills by cleaner production and industrial ecological principles”, The seventh annual conference on the challenges in environmental science and engineering, CESE2014, 12 - 16 Oct. 2014, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. | |
Bandara D.M.S.P, Amaratunga, K.S.P, Thilakaratne, B.M.K.S, Dharmasena, D.A.N , Dissanayake, T.M.R, Fernando A.J, (2014), Feasibility Study of Evaporative water cooled (EWC) Grinding method for Chili (Capsicum annum L.), Tropical Agricultural Research, Vol. 26(1). | |
Dissanayake, T.M.R, Amaratunga, K.S.P, Thilakaratne, B.M.K.S, Bandara, D.M.S.P, , Fernando A.J, (2014), Gelatinization of Rough Rice Using Far- Infrared (FIR) Radiation, Tropical Agricultural Research, Vol. 26(). | |
Bandara D.M.S.P, Amaratunga, K.S.P, Thilakaratne, B.M.K.S, Dharmasena, D.A.N , Dissanayake, T.M.R, Fernando A.J, (2014), Feasibility Study of Evaporative water cooled (EWC) Grinding method for Chili (Capsicum annum L.), Twenty Sixth Annual Congress of the Post Graduate Institute of Agriculture, VOL 26(1)PP 20-21. | |
T.M.R. Dissanayake* , K.S.P. Amarathunga1 , B.M.K.S. Thilakaratne1 D.M.S.P. Bandara1 and A.J. Fernando, “Gelatinization of Rough Rice Using Far- Infrared (FIR) Radiation” Twenty Sixth Annual Congress of the Post Graduate Institute of Agriculture,VOL 26(4) PP 707-713. | |
Rathnayake, H.M.A.P.,Senanayake, D.P, Dissanayake, B.D.M.P.B Dissanayake, T.M.R. and Bandara, D.M.S.P., Palipane, K.B, Thilakaratne,B.M.K.S, (2014). Evaluation of Medium scale IPHT maize thresher. In: Proceedings of the International Research Symposium on Postharvest Technology, Institute of Post-Harvest Technology, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. | |
Bandara D.M.S.P, Dissanayake T.M.R, Gunawardane C.R, Thilakarathne B.M.K.S,(2014) ”The role of pre-gelatinization in the quality improvement of rice flour” In: Proceedings of the International Research Symposium on Postharvest Technology, Institute of Post-Harvest Technology, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka., PP 99-103. | |
Chandrajith U.G, Bandara D.M.S.P, Jayathunge, K.G.L.R, Thilakarathne B.M.K.S (2014) Development and quality evaluation instant rice cup noodle, In: Proceedings of the International Research Symposium on Postharvest Technology, Institute of Post-Harvest Technology, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka., PP 5-8. | |
Bandara D.M.S.P, Amaratunga, K.S.P, Thilakaratne, B.M.K.S, Dharmasena, D.A.N , Dissanayake, T.M.R, Fernando A.J, (2014), Use of Evaporative Water Cooling (EWC) in grinding chili, “ENGINEER”, Journal of Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka, Vol. (XLVIII), PP 13-17. | |
Bandara, D.M.S.P., Dissanayake, T.M.R., Rathnayake, H.M.A.P. and Swarnasiri, D.P.C. (2014). Performance Evaluation of a Screw Type oil expeller for extraction Sesame Oil. “ENGINEER”, Journal of Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka, Vol. XLVII (01). | |
Rathnayake, H.M.A.P., Dissanayake, T.M.R. and Bandara, D.M.S.P. (2014). Design and Development of an energy efficient vibrated flour sifter. In: Proceedings of the International Research Symposium on Postharvest Technology, Institute of Post-Harvest Technology, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. |
Wijewardane, R.M.N.A. (2013). Development of polysaccharide-lipid based composite wax formulation to enhance the storage quality of orange. J. Agric. Technol. Vol. 9(2):349-356 | |
Wijewardane,R.M.N.A. and Guleria, (2013). Effect of Pre cooling, fruit coating and packaging on Postharvest Quality of Apple. J. Food Sci. Technol. Vol. 50:325-331 | |
Wijewardane,R.M.N.A. (2013). Application of polysaccharide based composite film wax coating for shelf life extension of Guava (Var. Bangkok Giant). J. postharvest Technol. Vol. 1(01):016-026. | |
Wijewardane,R.M.N.A. (2013). Development of edible coating for shelf life extension of guava. Focusing on Modern Food Industry (FMFI). Volume 3 Issue 1, February 2014. DOI: 10.14355/fmfi.2014.0301.04 | |
Wijewardane,R.M.N.A. (2013). Effect of Pre-Cooling Combined with Exogenous Oxalic Acid on storage quality of mango (Manifera indica). J. postharvest Technol. Vol. 2(01):045-053. | |
Dissanayake, C.A.K., Wasala, W.M.C.B., Rathnayake,R.M.R.N.K., Wijewardane,R.M.N.A.,Gunawardane, C.R.,Jayawardane, H.S., Thilakerathne, B.M.K.S. Problem associated with on farm storage conditions of paddy in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of International Symposium 2013. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna , Sri Lanka. Held on 28th Nov.2013. | |
Jayawardane,H.S., Thilakerathne, B.M.K.S., Wijewardane,R.M.N.A., Dissanayake, C.A.K., Rathnayake, R.M.R.N.K. Development of Rice Based Ice Cream and Ditermination of its Quality Parameters. Proceedings of International Symposium 2013. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna , Sri Lanka. Held on 28th Nov.2013. | |
Rathnayake,R.M.R.N.K., Dissanayake, C.A.K., Wasala, W.M.C.B., Gunawardane, C.R., Wijewardane,R.M.N.A., Jayawardane, H.S., Thilakerathne, B.M.K.S.Effect of Generally Recognized As Safe Compounds to Control the Growth of Aspergillus flavous and its Aflotoxin Production in Maize (Zea mays L.). Proceedings of International Symposium 2013. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna , Sri Lanka. Held on 28th Nov.2013. | |
C.A.K. Dissanayake, S. De Silva, W.M.C.B. Wasala, B.M.K.S., Thilakarathne, Empowerment of Women through Self-Reliance Approach in the Rice Processing Village Programme, Tropical Agricultural Research, Vol. 25(3). | |
C.R. Gunawardhane, W.M.C.B. Wasala, C.A.K. Dissanayake, R.M.R.N.K. Rathnayake, B.M.K.S. Thilakarathne, Effect of different bran removal degrees on quality attributes of stored parboiled rice, Proc. of International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, held on 28th Nov.2013. | |
C.A.K. Dissanayake, W.M.C.B. Wasala, R.M.R.N.K. Rathnayake, R.M.N.A. Wijewardhane, C.R. Gunawardhane, H.S. Jayawardhane and B.M.K.S. Thilakarathne, Problems associated with on-farm storage conditions of paddy in Sri Lanka, Proc. of International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, held on 28th Nov.2013. | |
R.M.R.N.K.Ratnayake, C.A.K.Dissanayake, W.M.C.B.Wasala, C.R. Gunawardane, R.M.N.A.Wijewardane, H.S.Jayawardane, B.M.K.S.Thilakarathne, Effect of generally recognized as safe (GRAS) compounds to control the growth of Aspergillus flavus and its Aflatoxin production in maize (Zea mays L.), Proc. of International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, held on 28th Nov.2013. | |
Menike, G.D.N., Vengadaramana, A. and De Costa, D.M., (2013). Molecular Identification and characterization of Fusarium species causing leaf twister disease of Onion, Peradeniya University Research Sessions Purse 2012 , Book of Abstracts, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, Vol-17, July .4. 2013 (p. 222) | |
Hettige, K.D.T., Ranadheera, C.S., Jayawardena, N.W.I.A. and Vidanarachchi, J.K., (2013). Quality evaluation of avocado (Persea Americana) fruit yogurt made from buffalo milk, Proceedings of International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna | |
Rathnayake H.M.A.P, Wasala, W.M.C.B, Dissanayake ,T.M.R., Bandara, D.M.S.P and Senanayake, D.P,(2016) “Modification and Evaluation of Parboiling waste water discharge System for minimizing the Effluents Volume to be Treated in Rice Processing”, In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on “Agriculture and Environment" , Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. | |
Bandara, D.M.S.P., Dissanayake, T.M.R., Rathnayake, H.M.A.P. and Swarnasiri, D.P.C. (2013). Performance Evaluation of a Screw type oil expeller for extraction Sesame Oil. Annual Sessions, Rajarata Chapter of Institution of Engineers-Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. | |
Bandara, D.M.S.P., Dissanayake, T.M.R., Rathnayake, H.M.A.P. and Swarnasiri, D.P.C. (2013). Performance Evaluation of a Screw Type oil expeller for extraction Sesame Oil. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on “Agriculture and Environment", Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. |
Wijewardane, R.M.N.A. and Thilakarathne, B.M.K.S.(2012).Development of Composite wax formulation for shelf life extension of Papaya. Proceedings of International Symposium 2012. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. | |
WMCB Wasala, CR Gunawardhna, RMRNK Rathnayake, RMNA Wijewardana, KGLR Jayathunge, BMKS Thilakarathne and DBT Wijerathne , Study on feasibility of safe packaging for economically important vegetable transportation, Proceedings of International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, held on 29th Nov.2012. | |
W.M.C.B. Wasala, D.A.N. Dharmasena, T.M.R. DIssanayake, B.M.K.S. Thilakarathne, Physical characteristics and mechanical properties three commercially grown banana cultivars in Sri Lanka, Tropical Agricultural Research, Vol. 24(1). | |
H.M.A.P. Rathnayake, W.M.C.B. Wasala, T.M.R. DIssanayake, M.D. Fernando, Techno -economic evaluation of upper tank hot water soaking system for paddy, Sri Lankan Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol 49. | |
C.A.K. Dissanayake, S.De.Silva, W.M.C.B. Wasala, B.M.K.S. Thilakarathne, An investigation of rice processing village programme, Tropical Agricultural Research, Vol. 24(1). | |
W.M.C.B. Wasala, H.M.A.P. Rathnayake, M.D. Fernando and B.M.K.S. Thilakarathne Design and development of an indoor on farm storage structure for rural farmer, Proc. of National symposium of Post Harvest Technology for Food Security held on 08th March of 2012 in Colombo and organized by Institute of Post Harvest Technology. | |
W.A.H. Champa, W.M.C.B. Wasala, C.R. Gunawardhna, R.M.R.N.K. Rathnayake, R.M.N.A. Wijewardhana, H.C. Samarakoon and U.G. Chandrajith, Assessment of economic losses of horticulture produce during supply chain activities in Sri Lanka, Proc. of National Symposium of Post Harvest Technology for Food Security held on 08th March of 2012 in Colombo and organized by Institute of Post Harvest Technology | |
Aluwihare, W.B.W.M.R.C.P., Bandaranayake P.R.S.D., Weerakkody, W.A.P. and Senanayake, N. (2012). Adaptability of Popular Rose Varieties under Greenhouse Conditions in the Mid Country Wet Zone, Proceedings of the National Symposium on Floriculture Research (NaSFLOR),33 – 37 pp | |
Aluwihare, W.B.W.M.R.C.P., Weerakkody, W.A.P. and Senanayake, N. (2012) Performance of Rose (Rosa hybrida) Cultivars under Greenhouse Conditions, Undergraduate Research symposium proceedings, 24pp. | |
Dissanayake, B.D.M.P.B. and Jayawardena, H.S. Modification of existing rice noodles process line(IPHT) to reduce the cost of production, Proceedings of Research Symposium(2012), Institute of Post Harvest Technology,p.19. | |
Rathnayake,H.M.A.P.,Dissanayake, T.M.R. and Bandara, D.M.S.P. (2012). Development of Medium Scale Parboiling Vessel. In:Proceedings of the International Symposium on “Agriculture and Environment" , Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. | |
Dissanayake T.M.R, Bandara D.M.S.P, Rathnayake H.M.A.P ,(2012) “Continuous type paddy cooker”, In: Proceedings of the International Research Symposium on Postharvest Technology, Institute of Post-Harvest Technology, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka., PP132-135. | |
Rathnayake H.M.A.P ,Dissanayake T.M.R, Bandara D.M.S.P,(2012) “Design and Development of an energy efficient vibrated flour sifter, In: Proceedings of the International Research Symposium on Postharvest Technology, Institute of Post-Harvest Technology, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka., PP136-140. | |
Dissanayake, T.M.R., Rathnayake, H.M.A.P., Gunawardhane, C.R. and Bandara, D.M.S.P. (2012). Development of Continuous Paddy Steamer. Annual Sessions, Rajarata Chapter of Institution of Engineers-Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. | |
Bandara D.M.S.P, Jayawardane H.S, (2012) “Design of Soup cube cutter” In: Proceedings of the Young Scientists Forum Symposium, Young Scientists Forum,Colombo, Sri Lanka. |
Wijewardane,R.M.N.A., Fernando, M.D. and Palipane, K.B.(2011).Extending the shelf life of (Anthurium andreanum) using Low cost Preservatives. Sri Lankan J. Agric. Sci. Vol. 48: 35-41 | |
K.G.L.R. Jayathunge, W.M.C.B. Wasala, H.M.A.P. Rathnayake, H.C. Samarakoon, C.R. Gunawardhna, M.D. Fernando, K.B. Palipane, Evaluation of different types of packages for handling and transportation of vegetables, 2011, Newsletter, UC Davis Postharvest Technology Center, University of California, U.S.A. | |
Bandara, D.M.S.P., Dissanayake, T.M.R. and Rathnayake, R.M.R.N.K. (2011). Performance Evaluation of Different types of Spice Grinding Machinery for producing chili Powder. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on “Agriculture and Environment",Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. | |
Bandara, D.M.S.P., Dissanayake, T.M.R. and Rathnayake, R.M.R.N.K. (2011). Performance Evaluation of Different types of Spice Grinding Machinery for producing chili Powder. Annual Transaction of Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka, pp 147-154. | |
Rathnayake, H.M.A.P., Dissanayake, T.M.R. and Bandara, D.M.S.P. (2011). Development of Medium Scale Parboiling Vessel. Annual Sessions, Rajarata Chapter of Institution of Engineers-Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. | |
Bandara D.M.S.P , Dissanayake, T.M.R, Rathnayake R.M.R.N.K, (2011) “Performance Evaluation of Different types of Spice Grinding Machinery for producing chilli Powder”, Annual Transaction of Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka, PP 303-309. | |
Bandara, D.M.S.P., Dissanayake, T.M.R. and Rathnayake, R.M.R.N.K. (2011). Performance Evaluation of Different types of Spice Grinding Machinery for producing chili Powder. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on “Agriculture and Environment", Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. |
2010 W.M.C.B.Wasala, W.A.G Wijayabandara, H.M.A.P. Rathnayake, C.R. GUnawardhana, B.M.K.S. Thilakarathne, G.V.T.V.Weerasooriya, Modification of an existing evaporative cooling device for improvement of its performance, Proc. of International symposium in Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna held on 18th Oct. 2010. |
Wijewardane,R.M.N.A. and Guleria, (2009). Effect of Postharvest Coating Treatments on Apple Storage Quality. J. Food Sci. Technol. 46(6): 549-553. | |
Wijewardane, R.M.N.A. and Guleria, (2009). Combine effects of Pre cooling, Application of Natural Extracts and Packaging on the Storage Quality of Apple (Malus domestica) cv. Royal Delicious. Tropical Agricultural Research. 21(1): 10-20. | |
Wijewardana, R.M.NA, Peris, S.E. and Eeswara, J, P, (2009). Early detection of variations among Gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) seedlings by isozyme electrophoresis. Sri Lankan J. Agric. Sci. Vol. 46: 41-51 | |
Dissanayake, B.D.M.P.B., Senanayaka, D.P. and Palipane, K.B. Design and Development of a Brush Type Pulping Machine for Extraction of Tamarind Fruit Pulp” Annual Transactions(2009) of the Institution of Engineers), Sri Lanka, Vol. I-Part B, pp. 53-60. | |
W.M.C.B. Wasala, R.N.A.M.U.B. Warakagoda, M.D. Fernando, K.B. Palipane, Determination of physical properties, milling, nutritional cooking and eating qualities of BG305 and AT303 rice (Oryza sativa) varieties in raw and parboiled forms, Sri Lankan Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol 46. |
Bandara B.D.M.P., Verma R.C. and Sharma G.P. Design and Development of a Weaning Food Processing Equipment for use at Institutional level, Engineer, Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka, Vol.XXXXI, No.04, October 2008, pp. 40-49. | |
Dharmasena, H.M.T.M., Dissanayake, B.D.M.P.B., and Weerasooriya G.V.T.V. “Performance Evaluation of Small Scale Dryer for Parboiled Paddy” Abstracts of Final Year Research-2008, Faculty of agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, pp. 81-82. | |
I.U.Thennakoon, P.H.P. Prasanna, W.M.C.B. Wasala, Effect of variety and degree of bran removal on quality of rice flour and rice flour based products, Proc. of Second International Symposium, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka held on 8th-12th July, 2008. |
W.M.C.B. Wasala, N.H. Hemantha, M.D. Fernando, K.B. Palipane and A.Chandrasekare, Evaluation and comparison of physical properties, milling, nutritional and eating qualities of selected improved and indigenous rice varieties in Sri Lanka, 20th, December, 2005, First National Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Post Harvest Engineering and Technology organized by Agriculture Engineer’s Association of Sri Lanka. | |
W.M.C.B. Wasala, M.D. Fernando, K.B. Palipane Assessment of post harvest losses in dry chili by comparing existing practices with improved methods, 17th, December, 2005, Proc. of the 61st annual session of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science. | |
N.Jayaratne, D.G.N.G Wijesinghe, Wasala, W.M.C.B. Evaluation and comparison of physical properties, milling, sensory and nutritional qualities of few important rice varieties. Proc. of University Research Sessions, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka 10:13 |
Dissanayake, B.D.M.P.B., Senanayaka, D.P. and Palipane, K.B. Design and Development of a Brush Type Pulping Machine for Extraction of Tamarind Fruit Pulp, Annual Sessions (2004/2005) of the Institution of Engineers, NCP-Centre), Sri Lanka, pp. 15-25. | |
Dissanayake, B.D.M.P., Senanayaka, D.P. and Palipane K.B. Design and development of a small scale noodles production line for rice flour noodles, IPHT Technical Report, 2004. |